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Cloze Test With Clues: Rules of grammar-01

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How are you? Hoping you're all well by the grace of Almighty Lord. Thanks to all for visiting my new blog post. I am offering now a new post about Cloze Test With Clues/fill in the blanks with some technics. You can enjoy these with a lot of tips and tricks for solving your vocabulary test. So why late? Read and observe the post item and have a fun with learning
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Cloze Test without Clues
Some Important Rules for Practice

[Rule:01] Article এর পরে gap (------) তারপর noun. মনে রাখ, gap (---------) এর স্থানে adjective হবে।

 (a) There lived a-------------man in our village. (b) My friend karim is a------------writer in Bangladesh. © Sheuly was a----------girl in class eight.
[Note: wise, kind, honest, famous, great, fool, fat, clever, beautiful, handsome etc.] 

[Rule: 02]-Definite article (The) এর পরে gap (-------) এবং তারপরে noun থাকলে gap এর স্থলে adjective এর superlative degree হয়।

(a) Mr. Rahman is the--------- man I have ever known. (b) Dhaka is the---------city in Bagladesh. (c) Rafiq is the-------boy in the class.
[Smallest, biggest, wisest, richest, greatest, highest, longest etc]

[Rule: 03]- Help, mind, feel, alike, worth, object to, confess to, get, got, used to, with a view to, look forward to প্রভৃতির পর gap (------) থাকলে সেখানে উপযুক্ত verb এনে তার সাথে ing যুক্ত করতে হবে।

(a)I can’t help--------- my sister’s house. (b) He went to Thana Sadar with a view to-------- T.N.O. ©Would you mind--------- a bit please. (d) He used to--------------bath in the pond.
[Going, meeting, seeing, threatening, moving, taking]
[Rule: 04] Object বিহীন verb থাকলে এবং তারপর gap থাকলে উক্ত gap Noun/Adjective/ Adverb বসতে পারে।
(a) We learn-------- (b) She learns--------- (c) He runs---------- (d) He reads-------- (e) Rony feels-------
 [Lonely, solely, fast, perfectly, swimming, English, loudly, regularly, music] 

[Rule: 05]  Gap এর পুর্বে adjective ও পরে Noun থাকলে শূন্যস্থানে preposition বসে। (adjective----------noun).

(a) Sabbir is a good---------administration. (b) she is creative--------art. (c) Hasan was a rough--------- behaving.
[In, at, of, on, with etc]

[Rule: 06]  Gap এর পুর্বে main verb এবং পরে noun phrase (Article+ adjective+ noun) থাকলে শূন্যস্থানে Preposition বসে। (main verb-----------noun phrase).
(a) She is-------- a good position (b) Shima is-------a high risk. (c) Rafiq lives------- a luxurious house.
[At, in, of, on, off, with, by]

[Rule: 07] ‘Be’ verb এর পরে gap তারপর adjective থাকলে gap এর স্থলে adverb বসে। (am,/is/are/was/were----------adjective) .

 (a) Shilpa is--------- curious. (b) My father’s idea was---------right. (c) He is -----------a gentleman. (d) Present political leaders of our country are-------------rogue.
[Fully, totally, generally, absolutely, certainly, undoubtedly]


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